Котомкина Галина Васильевна


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Котомкина Галина Васильевна Тверская область, Тверь город, Дмитрия Донского улица, 35-А not69.ru


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The data from BELLE 2, although disappointing in the overall population, provide the first data suggesting that ctDNA could be a potential marker to select patients who might benefit from specific targeted therapies <a href=http://acialis.one>buy cialis uk</a> b Overall survival curves were created for patients in the METABRIC dataset with TP53 wild type and mutant tumors from b all patients; c those who received chemotherapy median survival 125 vs 129 months; d those who received chemotherapy plus radiation median survival 144 vs 135 months; e those who received chemotherapy plus radiation but not hormone therapy; f those who received chemotherapy plus radiation plus hormone therapy

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