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PORT ANGELES, Wash. AP 鈥?Jeanette Kiokun, the tribal clerk for the Qutekcak Native Tribe in Alaska, doesn ;t immediately recognize the shriveled, brown plant she finds on the shore of the Salish Sea or others that were sunburned during the long, hot summer. But a fellow student at a weeklong tribal climate camp does.They are rosehips, traditionally used in teas and baths by the Skokomish Indian Tribe in Washington state and other tribes. Its getting too hot, too quick, Alisa Smith Woodruff, a member of the Skokomish tribe, said of the sun-damaged plant.Tribes suffer聽some of the most severe impacts of climate change聽in the U.S. but often have the fewest resources to respond, which makes the intensive camps on combatting the impact of climate change a vital training ground and community-building space.Pe salomon ople from at least 28 tribes and intertribal organizations attended this years camp in August in Port Angeles, Washington, and more than 70 tribes have taken part in similar camps organized by the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians across the U.S. since 2016.They heard from tribal leaders and scientists and learned about a clam garden that is combatting ocean ac stanley cup idification. They visited the Elwha River, where salmon runs were recently restored after the Lower Elwha Kl nike dunk allam Tribe fought to have two dams torn down. They also learned how to make the most of newly available federal funds to add climate staff, restore habitats and reduce carbon emissions. And they set asi


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MILWAUKEE 鈥?As 2019 comes to an end, Courage MKE looks back at the year with grateful hearts.Nearly a year ago, the Milwaukee non-profit opened Courage House, Wisconsin s first group home for displaced LGBT teens.New Wisconsin bill could eliminate sales tax on diapers and tamponsPaulina Ruiz-Maki found her calling at Courage House. This house is all stanley thermos about stanley quencher feeling safe and feeling accepted and feeling loved, said Ruiz-Maki.Ruiz-maki works at the house as a resident care worker. She cooks, helps kids with homework, and monitors activities.The kids that come to Courage House are caught up in foster care, child welfare, or the juvenile justice system. I think that s such a privilege to be someone in these kids lives that they trust to take care of them and to be there for them, said Ruiz-Maki. Every child that comes through the door comes with new needs or new emotions and they re big emotions sometimes stanley cup , said Brad Schlaikowski, executive director for Courage MKE.On average there are 4 teens staying at the house. They have come from Milwaukee, Racine, Lafayette County, or the Wisconsin Dells area.Since opening the home in early 2019, Schlaikowski calls it one of the greatest learning experiences.For instance, the executive director said they originally thought they would have a family dinner every night where the kids helped out, but that s not always the reality. Sometimes they come home after a bad day at school and need to unwind. Every single day you see improvement. You k Sjto Second Zika case confirmed in Wisconsin
Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the president of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, said the Best Picture mix up at this year s Oscars was a shockin stanley cup g but beautiful moment. It was a bit of shock, Isaacs said at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas. However, what I thought was so important was how, in a matter of minutes, you saw a humanity and a respect and a g stanley us raciousness from the La La Land filmmakers and the Moonlight filmmakers in a way that was very special and very different. This year s Oscars ended with one of the strangest moments in the awards show s nearly 90 year history, when it was announced that La La Land had won Best Picture, even though Moonlight was actually the winner.In a conversation with Allison Schroeder, who was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay for Hidden Figures, Isaacs said that a photo of her that appeared in the Los Angeles Times showed just how shocked she was -- her mouth was agape.Yet, she felt that the crazy ending showed the best of Hollywood and actually was a quite perfect ending. It all kind of came together in a beautiful note and beautiful ending. she said.Isaacs also commended Jimmy Kimmel for being a great host stanley deutschland , saying that he was the perfect man for the evening. Overall, Isaacs said that she was happy with this year s Oscars, and that it was a brilliant and wonderful show that highlighted some of the best work in the industry from a beautiful array and mosaic of new talent. There was so much good

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